Principal's Team Report

Creating Futures Together

This point in time marks the half-way point for Term 2. Time stops for no person and members of our community have certainly been busy pursuing a range of activities to further their educational experiences and personal growth.  

As mentioned in the previous newsletter, the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) has now concluded. We thank all the students and teachers who were involved and extend a special thank you to Mrs. Nery Soto for her coordination of this event. 

Monash/ Manningham Principals Network Conference 

Last week Fern, Jeremy and I attended the annual Monash Manningham Principals Conference which was held at the RACV complex in Cape Schanck. It is at events such as these that enable us to collaborate with other Principal Class members in the Monash/Manningham Network, undertake reflective practices and hear from a range of educational presenters and researchers.  

This year the keynote speaker was Tom Bennett. Tom was previously a teacher in the East End of London who is now the Director and founder of reasearchED, a grass-roots, teacher-led project that aims to make teachers research- literate and pseudo-science proof. Tom presented a session on Raising Performance through Shifting Behaviour (The Behaviour Curriculum). The impact of a Schools Culture was pivotal in his discussion, and this definitely resonated with all leaders in the room. “A successful, high performing culture is a deliberate act of creation.”  This is a key part of our work at WHSC, where we aim to create a culture of shared beliefs and values, whilst developing the skills in the young people we work with so that they can flourish in their learning environment to prepare them for their years beyond WHSC. Other presenters included Dr. Judi Newman, PhD, Director of The Academy of Organisational Neuroscience Australia. Dr. Newman spoke about the latest in social cognitive neuroscience research and how it related to leadership, motivation, learning and influence.  

It’s events such as these that enable system leaders to collaborate and undertake professional learning that can be taken back to our respective schools so that we can further improve the learning environment, practices and experiences for our staff and students.  Thank you to David Gill, Melissa Robinson and Nery Soto for looking after the College whilst we attended the conference. 

School Production 

“Does Your Mother Know” that Staff and Students are in the final stages of perfecting this year’s College Production “Mamma Mia.” 

Staff and Students have dedicated many afternoons, weekends and evenings preparing for this magical event. “When all is said and done” I am certain it will be unforgettable event!  

Get out your “Money, Money, Money” and purchase your tickets via the link:

We encourage all “Dancing Queens” to attend. “Ring, Ring” the general office for further information. 

Attitudes to School Survey 

Over the past week students from Years 7 to 12 have been participating in the Department of Education’s annual Attitudes to School Survey. The survey takes around 20 minutes and students are asked about their thoughts and feelings in relation to their school, their learning, peer relationships, resilience, bullying, health and wellbeing, physical activity, and life in general.  This survey provides us with an understanding of students’ perceptions and experiences at school. This feedback helps to drive ongoing school improvement. 


Mid-Year Exams 

At the start of June, Years 10 and 11 will be completing mid- year exams. These assessments provide students with the opportunity to consolidate their learning and practice examination techniques which will help prepare them for Year 12. Students should set high expectations for their own achievement and seek support from their subject teachers in the lead up to their exams. We wish students all the best for their exams. 

At home, students can be supported by implementing the following recommendations: 

Providing a quiet study space at home free from distractions; 

Encouraging your child to eat well and get plenty of sleep; 

Encouraging students to limit social engagements around this time, including their use of social media. Students should focus solely on their studies, without distraction from Instagram, sending SMS to friends, etc, then do so when having a break in their study. 

Attendance and Uniform 

A reminder about the importance of coming to school every day. Everyday students have the opportunity to learn new things and strengthen their relationships with teachers and peers. We can’t help if we don’t know, so please let us know if your child does start to show resistance towards coming to school or if there are external issues impacting on your child. It takes a village to raise a child and we are part of your village! 

With the weather starting to cool down, we remind all students to layer up and wear the correct college uniform and refrain from wearing non-uniform items such as hoodies and leggings. Please let us know if you are experiencing difficulties accessing the College uniform and we ask that students follow the process by completing a uniform pass before school if they are out of uniform. 


Judy Anderson, 

on behalf of the Principal Team