Learning In My Level 

A celebration of what's happening across the school!


What an action-packed term we have had in Foundation. 


Police Visit 


Finishing off our unit on Community Helpers, the Foundation children had a visit from a local police officer. Constable Verity taught us all about the role of a police officer, and who to call in an emergency!  


Cross Country 


We started the term off with our first Cross Country day! Everyone gave it their best go and finished their lap around the school. We had fun cheering on our house as we watched other levels race to the finish line. 





We are learning lots of new skills through the PMP program on Friday afternoons. We have been throwing and catching, balancing, bouncing, crawling and lots more. We would like to say a huge thank you to Mr Clark for setting up the program and to the parent helpers and Grade 5/6 students for leading the groups each week. 




We have continued to learn new sounds each week in Little Learners Love Literacy. We have used these sounds to read decodable readers in Reading Rotations and to start writing sentences. We are so proud of all of the hard work the Foundation students have put in to their Literacy learning this term.  


After we met Harry the Hippopotamus, we made hats with our buddies and paraded around the school. We had lots of fun making noise as we entered each classroom! 




In Inquiry we have been learning about farms. We have investigated a new animal each week and learnt about their needs and what they produce. We loved exploring Myuna Farm on our first excursion. We had the chance to go on a pony ride, a train ride, watch a show, pat some animals in the nursery and feed some of the farm animals. 


Chicken Duty 


Each class has had a turn on chicken duty. We checked for eggs each day and made sure the chickens had enough food and water. It was a great experience to look after and learn about chickens. 





This term we opened up all of the Foundation classrooms and students have had the opportunity to explore different learning spaces across the two Foundation areas. We created spaces based on student interest, incorporating student voice and agency in their learning. We made cakes and served them in the bakery, designed and made farms, created art pieces for the gallery, played schools, constructed building projects with various materials, worked on projects using recycled materials from the Upcycle Station and so much more!  


We cannot wait to continue our learning next term!