
Woo Hoo!! We made it over half way through Term 2! We have had such a fun term for the students, teachers and families in the wonderful land of Prep. Much of this term has built on the knowledge and concepts that the Prep students learned throughout Term 1, as well as introducing more complex topics.
The children have explored the format of information reports and procedural texts during our writing lessons. This has been their first exposure to non-fiction texts at school. Prep students have produced an information report about Frogs, and are collating family recipes to create a cohort Cook Book to celebrate the exploration of procedural texts.
In numeracy, we are exploring addition and subtraction, and using these skills to participate in Maths Problem Solving. Prep students will be regularly exposed to our problem solving strategies such as Make a Model and Draw a Diagram. These strategies will encourage students to develop lifelong mathematician skills.
Our Integrated focus this term is community, which has allowed the Prep students to get to know important members of our School Community and identify ways they can help us. As part of this focus, students went on a walking tour of the school to identify where they can find our helpful community members, such as our fantastic leadership team, the wonderful Jodie in the kitchen and the generous office staff.
Within the first six weeks of Term 2, the prep students have already:
- Had some furry friends visit for our word of the week, dog. This is Prep JG!
- Worn their pyjamas to school for our word of the week, bed. This is Prep SR!
- Celebrated 50 days of school with ‘Half Day’, coming to school with half of their school uniform, cutting their food in half, wearing half of their hair crazy and half neat - it was so much fun! This is Prep MY.
- Practised and performed their incredible song + dance for our Mother’s Day concert. This is Prep KT.
We are looking forward to many more fun events this term and we can’t wait to share it all with you in our next newsletter.
The Prep Team