Principal Report

Busy, Busy, Busy!
It has been a fun and busy couple of weeks for our students, who have had the opportunity to attend some exciting excursions. Our Grade 3 students took a step back in time with a visit to Old Gippstown, our Grade 4 students explored the famous Polly Woodside, and our Grade 6 students participated in their Sports Gala Day. Additionally, selected students represented Oatlands at the Hoop Time basketball competition, where Oatlands PS had a triumphant day!
Oatlands School Values
Oatlands students are passionate about their school values and try their best to always display them. This term, the students have been learning about the different aspects of our school value, ‘Effort'. It has been wonderful to see our students trying their best even when challenged, motivating themselves and others to learn, and being willing to give everything a go. In Term 3, we will focus on our third school value, 'Kindness'. We are so proud of our amazing students and their commitment to upholding our values.
Reconciliation Week
National Reconciliation Week was held last week and was a time for all Australians to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. Our students enjoyed learning about shared histories, cultures, and achievements. They particularly enjoyed listening and dancing to our new bell music playlist, which featured First Nations music and artists.
It’s not okay to be away, nor to be late to school...
We know how persuasive children of all ages can be when it comes to taking a day off school. It takes a strong will to resist the persistent pressure that children can bring to bear, particularly if they play the guilt card. As parents, we need to make a commitment to ensure our children make the most of their precious time at school. This means sending them to school every day, on time, and ready to make the most of the school day.
Of course, there will be times, such as illness or genuinely extenuating family circumstances, when children should be away. However, these should be rare rather than the norm. It’s reassuring to know that you increase your child’s chances of future success just by making sure they turn up to school every day. Regular school attendance also helps children prepare for the workforce, where it will be expected that they turn up each day work-ready.
As a parent:
- Commit to sending your child to school every day.
- Make sure your child arrives at school on time, before the music starts playing.
- Inform the school when your child is away, sending medical certificates and other evidence of genuine absence.
- Ensure children who are staying home sick are resting at home and not participating in activities they may wish to do on future school days, such as online gaming, outings, etc.
We are here to help. If you need support in getting your child to school, please inform your child’s classroom teacher.
Michelle White – Assistant Principal