This Week's Updates

Dear Parents,
Big congratulations to all our Year 4s who celebrated First Eucharist this weekend. This marks a significant occasion in their catholic journey and we were delighted to see such a well attended service with so many families and friends supporting them. Father Dispin's comments about our vibrant community were very well founded and we should all be proud of this. Dispin also made specific reference to the reverence of the congregation.
Well done to all involved, especially Tim Flintoff, Nikki Lamendola and Josh Crowe!
Our students did us proud today at the District Cross Country event at Ruffey Lake. Well done to all who participated and congratulations to those who made it through to the Whitehorse Division Cross Country event to be held next Monday, 27th May. Thanks to Mrs Catherine Wall who coordinated the whole event for our District, the staff who attended and the parents who helped out as well.
Our AusKick sessions on Saturday mornings have been a great success. Thanks so much to the many volunteers who coordinate and run the sessions and those parents who organise and help out at the sausage sizzle.
Our wonderful P&F committee are delighted to announce that the 'Back to the 90's Trivia Night' is SOLD OUT! It's great to see such a demand for tickets and I'm sure it will be a fantastic event.
Our building works are progressing well with work on the footings possibly commencing later in the week.
Prep 2025 Meet and Greet sessions have commenced with 14 of these held last Thursday. Any families who have not yet submitted an application form need to do so before they close to avoid your child missing a place in 2025. We have had over 50 applications so far and consequently, it appears that we will need to establish a waiting list.
Upcoming Dates - Monday 15 July is confirmed as a school closure day. Students will commence classes on Tuesday 16 July for next term.
- Please see Important Dates for further information.
Have a great week,