Celebrating Student Learning

Junior School Council- Board Games
JSC students have purchased board games and card games, such as Jenga, Uno, Monopoly and many more with the money we have raised from our Zooper Dooper sales. We have also purchased tag tails/flag belts for our Year 6 students to play tag in the yard safely.
Please treat these items with respect. If they get damaged, we may not be able to buy more.
Thank you to all the students (& staff) who continue to purchase Zooper Doopers! With more sales, we will be able to purchase more exciting items for students to enjoy at school.
From JSC students!
Buddy Program
On Thursday 16th of May, the Year 4 and Foundation students engaged in the Buddy Program.
The Foundation students have been learning about 2D shapes in class. They worked together with their buddy to draw and create a picture using only 2D shapes. Some students attempted to draw 3D objects! Both Year 4 and Foundation students had so much fun using chalk and drawing on the concrete.
They had conversations about the number of sides and corners on the different shapes, as well as identifying and naming the shapes.
We cannot wait to meet again!
Foundation Team
Year 6 Netball Tournament
Congratulations and well done to the Year 6 students who participated in the Netball Tournament on Monday. The team won 3 games, lost 2 and had a draw. They then played a final game for 3rd and 4th position and came out winners of that game, placing them in 3rd place overall!! We are super proud of you all!