Student of the Week    

A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week 

Student of the Week

Visual Arts - Ermuun FA  Ermuun showed focus, enthusiasm and dedication in art. He created a fantastic recycled flower artwork which looked amazing and  he was a fabulous role model to his peers. He exemplifies the school value of “Be a Learner”.   Congratulations Ermuun!

Performing Arts - Angelia 4A for demonstrating fantastic pitch and rhythm whilst playing the melody to ‘The Lion Sleeps Tonight’ on the Glockenspiel. Well done for picking this instrument up for the first time and reading the music notation correctly!

Chinese - Ermuun FA for being such a great learner and setting a good example for your classmates. You have an amazing understanding of the class content. You always participate in class activities actively. Keep it up Ermuun!!


LLI- Year 3 & Year 5  - Anthony 3B for working so hard in LLI to improve your fluency when reading. You are a hard worker and a great listener. Keep up the good work!


6A - Alex This award is for being a self regulated learner who uses his initiative to always do his best. Keep up the phenomenal effort Alex!

 6B - Ekam for extending his mathematical thinking by completing and explaining challenging equations  Keep it up Ekam

6C - Felix for having a positive attitude during our fractions unit, a fantastic achievement Felix


5A - Mason for being a kind, helpful and considerate member of our class. Mason, I love how you try to help others, whilst also ensuring your work is completed to a high standard. I am impressed with how you are learning to accept challenges and are working on your stamina and confidence when solving them. Well done Mason, keep up the great work! 

5B - Kilian for bringing his diary and completing his reading homework! Well done Kilian, keep it up!

5C - Leo for taking on feedback well, contributing to class discussions and having a positive mindset to class work. It has been fantastic to see you improve on  your resilience and pride in the classroom. Keep it up! 


4A - Henri for displaying a positive growth mindset during his Maths learning. He applied his efforts, taking risks to try new things and was successful! Well done Henri on showing such resilience when learning.

4B - Nesan for being a great friend not only to his classmates but to his buddy. You have shown great leadership skills when working with your buddy, well done!

4C - Nela for consistently modelling the school values of integrity, resilience and respect. You engaged in the Expect Respect program, utilised your knowledge and skills to problem solve. You used your ‘Stop’ signal when faced with disrespectful behaviours and sought help from teachers when needed. You are a role model for others to follow suit, fantastic work, Nela!


3A - Avery for demonstrating our school values of ‘Respect’ and ‘Integrity’. Avery always treats his peers and teachers with kindness. He enters the classroom everyday with a big smile, and is always eager to learn and start his day. Well done, Avery!

3B - Felix P for showing collaboration and resilience when working on his multiplication skills this week. Great work, Felix!

3C - Mila For her efforts shown in Reading this week. She independently identified the main idea of a range of non-fiction texts and could explain her thinking. Keep up the fantastic work, Mila!


2C - Edric for showing the value of resilience by working independently on all his learning tasks. Well done, Edric!

2B - Dilshaan for being a respectful, friendly and caring class member and consistently

demonstrating the school values. Keep it up Dilshaan.

2A - Zoe for persisting in Maths to learn something new even when she finds it challenging. She is a self-regulated learner who knows when she needs help and when she can do something independently. 


1B -  Simrandeep for her hard work and resilience when practising forming sentencing. Well done Simrandeep! 

1A - Pharez for being a learner in the classroom when reading independently at his table. Well done Pharez!


FA - Nethran for coming to school every day this week with a positive attitude and ready to learn. Keep it up! 

FB -Gabriel for demonstrating integrity. Across all key learning areas, Gabriel has listened, watched, shared, and learned with his class. In Writing, he independently wrote his name. Keep up the great work Gabriel!


Highlighted Students

Lower primary: 

2B - Dilshaan for being a respectful, friendly and caring class member and consistently

demonstrating the school values. Keep it up Dilshaan.


Upper primary: 

4B - Nesan for being a great friend not only to his classmates but to his buddy. You have shown great leadership skills when working with your buddy, well done!