Challenge of the Week 


Challenge of the Week - Results

Each student who attempts the Weekly Challenge and hands in their answer page on time, will earn a PAC


Boggle Word Challenge - Results from Week 5

The students who took part in the Week 5 challenge were:


Emily 1A

Taylor 4B 


 A group of students from 4B who worked collaboratively: 

Shona, Victoria, Sarah, Monica & Thao.


A group of students from 5A who worked collaboratively:

Boston, Ella, Elizabeth, Kim, Francois & Enzo. 


*There were quite a lot of 5 letter words found in this week’s Boggle challenge including PEACE, SHELL and GOOSE.

There was also a 6-letter word located: CHOSEN and an interesting 7-letter word: LACTOSE (Lactose is the natural sugar in milk and other dairy foods.)


Thank you for participating.








Mrs Sharon McLeod