Acting Assistant Principal Reports
Sharon Rogers/Spira Antonopoulos
Acting Assistant Principal Reports
Sharon Rogers/Spira Antonopoulos
On Thursday 16th May, we celebrated E.S. Day and the amazing team of Education Support Staff that we have at Deer Park West Primary School.
These amazing people help our students across the school with everything from their learning, making friendships, sharing and celebrating the learning journey with the students and supporting the teachers to support the students at our school.
Staff celebrated and shared a morning tea with our Education Support staff and students across the school made cards, paper flowers and messages of gratitude for all members of the ES team.
Thank-you to all our Education Support team; from left back, Ms Rita, Ms Cathy (Library Technician), Ms Nitu, Ms Huyen, Ms Tori, Ms Naira, Ms Harminder. And in the front row from the left; Ms Karina (Speech Therapist), Mr Andrea, Ms Kim, Ms Myall (Office Admin), Ms Lisa (Social Worker).
Unfortunately, Ms Elizabeth, Ms Natasha (Business Manager) and Ms G were absent on this day, however we thank them for their work with the students across the school.
Call for Volunteers
Our breakfast Club program is seeking a volunteer to assist with the set-up, cooking of toast and clean-up. We would really appreciate someone who may be able to commit to Monday mornings, however, assistance on our other mornings would also be welcome (that’s Tuesday, Thursday and Friday).
Set-up begins at 8am, with students coming in at 8.30am until 8.45am, then it’s clean-up until 9am. If you would like to bring your child/ren along with you, that’s ok, as long as they are students at our school and remain with you in the breakfast club room until 8.45am.
If you have some time available, and are interested, please see Ms Scott as soon as possible for further information.
This week, we are changing the challenge from boggle to a math based puzzle, Sudoku.
Sudoku is a cool puzzle game with numbers from 1 to 9. The aim of the game is to fill up a 9-by-9 grid with numbers, so that each row, column, and little 3-by-3 square has all the numbers from 1 to 9.
To begin playing, you get a grid with some numbers already in it. You have to fill in the rest of the numbers to finish the puzzle.
Here's how you play:
Remember, you can only use each number once in each row, column, and little square. Sudoku puzzles can be easy or hard, so if you're just starting out, try an easy one with fewer empty squares.
As you get better, you can try harder ones with more empty squares. Ready to try?
Here is this week’s game board.
Once you have filled in the missing numbers, bring your sudoku sheet to the ‘Challenge’ box in the corridor by recess on Thursday. Each student will receive a PAC card for taking up the challenge.
Kind regards,
Sharon Rogers
Acting Assistant Principal
Dear Parents and Carers,
It has been our pleasure welcoming our local kindergarten students to visit our school. We hosted tours for Deep Park Early Learning Kindergarten, and Deep Park West Kindergarten over the past two weeks.
The 4-year-old groups enjoyed a guided tour around our school grounds, Gymnasium, Visual Art room, Library, Performing Arts room, and Chinese room. Our classroom teachers and our specialist teachers welcomed the kindergarten students and showcased some amazing learning opportunities had by our current students.
Please enjoy some photographs below.
Applications for Foundation enrolments for 2025 are open.
The statewide process continues this year, with specific timelines where applications close on 29th July. For families of DPW that will be having siblings, friends or neighbours join the school in 2025, please ensure that enrolment forms are collected from our office.
Many thanks,
Spira Antonopoulos
Acting Assistant Principal