Middle News

This month, middle school students were immersed in a diverse range of engaging activities. Our journey began with a literacy-focused endeavour centred around 'The Cookie Thief.' Students eagerly delved into the mystery of stolen cookies from one of our classrooms, embarking on a scripted investigation complete with detailed accounts from witnesses and victims. Armed with video and print resources, they honed their detective skills while enhancing their writing proficiency.
Expressing gratitude towards the influential women in their lives, students wore pink attire and embarked on a scenic walk around the reserve, symbolising their appreciation.
Participation soared during National Simultaneous Storytime on May 22nd, 2024. Bedecked in blue, students eagerly absorbed the tale of 'Bowerbird Blues' by Aura Parker, with several of our dedicated teachers bringing the story to life through captivating narration.
The final week of May was dedicated to honouring National Reconciliation Week and Sorry Day. Students solemnly listened to the poignant narrative of 'The Stolen Girl' by Trina Saffioti, commemorating Sorry Day, and collectively crafted a piece of artwork to mark Reconciliation Week.
Amidst the plethora of enriching activities, our middle school students remained steadfast in upholding our school values, demonstrating exemplary behaviour and redeeming their accumulated rewards as a testament to their commitment.