From the Principal

Leila Mattner 

Bible Gifting Worship Service

We were delighted to see Reception children and families at church on Sunday, where the children were presented with a Bible as a gift from the congregation. Pastor Matt shared the Pentecost story from the Children’s Bible during the children’s address of the worship service, and the children were presented with a Bible by members of the congregation. Thank you to the St Paul Lutheran Church congregation for their ongoing support of our school families and staff. Reception children who were unable to attend on Sunday were gifted with their Bibles in Chapel today.


Visitor Sign in and Out

We are fortunate to have so many families, volunteers and professional visitors each day at St Paul. As part of a Work Health Safety and evacuation procedures review, we ask that all visitors to the school after 9am and before 3pm (including parents) sign in at the office. This means that if you are still visiting the classroom in the morning after 9am, you will need to come to the office to sign in. If you arrive at school prior to 3pm to collect your child, you are more than welcome to wait in the yard, or to come via the office if you need to come to classrooms. We will also be asking you to sign in when you attend after school hours for an appointment so that we know who is here in case of an emergency. If you have been visiting, please also be sure to sign out again as you exit.


Thank you for helping us to keep our entire community safe.