Year 5/6

Year 5/6 Cluster News
Reading: Aim for 20 minutes minimum reading per night. As students complete a book, they are to record the author, title and date of finishing in their Reader’s Workshop book. We encourage students to read aloud, either to themselves or a parent.
Mathematics: We are using both the method of knowing the skip counting pattern and then also practising the times table itself. This week we have been learning 4x tables.Next week we will be practising 8x tables.
Unit of Inquiry: Students have been creating a timeline of significant inventions or scientific discoveries. They have watched an interview with Aunty Ollie, who is 88 years old, about life growing up and how it has changed. If students get an opportunity, it would be great for them to do the same with a grandparent or family friend who has experienced significant change.
A note from Mrs Ali: Please download the free ukulele tuner app onto student iPads ready for their music lesson. It is called “Ukulele Tuner” with a black background.
A note from Mr K: With Year 6 students being so close to high school, it is important to ensure their vision has been tested recently. If any parent would like Mr K to do a basic eye test, please email him or the class teacher so we can organise this.
Premier’s Reading Challenge: Please check in with your child to see how they are going with recording the books they have read this year. Please initial next to the books they have recorded before they hand it in.
Current and Upcoming Learning
Christian Studies: We have explored the process we go through to make decisions in all areas of our life. We are looking at what steps Christians use to assist them in making every day ethical decisions. They are currently focussing on the 10 commandments and the law of love.
Unit Of Inquiry: Our new, ‘How the World Works’ unit has just begun, and students have already identified some changes in technology over time. It would be great for students to have conversations with parents and grandparents about how technology has changed over time and how this has impacted life.
Literacy: Students have had some time to do free writing this week on a genre of their choice. This could include narrative, persuasive, newspaper recount, procedure, etc.
Mathematics: We are practising the 4x tables and exploring the concept of area of rectangles and how we can practically apply this by drawing diagrams, using formulas and considering real life application.
Other Announcements
Toddle: Please ensure that you have connected to Toddle. We are beginning to put on announcements about upcoming due dates and key events. As the year progresses this will be an important place to look for key pieces of information.
Japanese visit: Please email Bishop Sensei ( if you are interested in having 1 or 2 Japanese students come and stay with you the first week back after school holidays.
Touch Typing: As we have started touch typing, it has become evident that a number of students don’t have a working keyboard. The iPad keyboard will be important in the development of keyboard skills which will be part of their class learning. Headphones will also be regularly used in class for a variety of purposes. Again, thank you for helping with this.
Yours sincerely,
Luke Napier
Lauren Neumann
Jayne Zadow