Supporting the Community of St. Bede's to 'Live Well'
Respectful Relationships Evaluation
Last Friday we had a small group of students and staff spend some time participating in an evaluation about Respectful Relationships at St. Bede's. This was an opportunity to share some of the things we have put in place to promote positive and respectful relationships between all members of St. Bede's and the wider community. It was also very clear during these conversations to see the links we have between our faith (examples of Jesus) and the actions we wish to implement in treating others as we would like to be treated. Thank you to everyone that was involved in helping throughout this evaluation.
Student Representative Council
This Friday at our school assembly we will announce and acknowledge the SRC representatives for 2024. These students will be part of a collaborative team throughout the year to meet with Mr. Grace and our school captains Ella and Lucas; to discuss issues involving our community as well as any initiatives that we can implement in our school.
Take care,
Justin McFarlane
Student Wellbeing Leader