3/4 Area

 Denise Diamantopoulos, Sarah Cotton, Sil Khammy, Natasha McKenna, Monique Jones,  Nicole Riley and Viv Matic 

It's been a very busy fortnight in the 3/4 area! We've had lots of special activities as well as some fantastic learning happening in the classrooms. Here's what we've been up to!


We have been learning about angles in Maths this week. Students have been classifying angles as right angles, smaller than right angles (acute angles) and bigger than right angles (obtuse angles). To help us with this we made angle monsters. Their mouths were a perfect right angle and helped us to identify them around the classroom. 

In 3/4E we found right angles in these places: 

  • the edge of a folder
  • our Maths equipment storage cubes
  • a photo frame
  • the corner of our maths books
  • the window frame
  • the stationery cupboard
  • the TV
  • the pin board
  • a Rubik's cube


International Athlete Visit 

 Last Wednesday we were lucky enough to have Ingrid McKenna and Tess Whelan come to speak to all of the Grade 3/4 students. Tess and Ingrid have both represented Australia in blind cricket. They told us all about what it was like to play for Australia and wear the 'baggy green' and how much hard work went into their preparation for the International Blind Sports Association World Games Cricket Championships. They shared their experiences growing up vision impaired and Tess told us all about her guide dog, Carrow. They even brought along their uniforms that we were able to try on and signed some autographs for us. Thanks Ingrid and Tess!  




The First PVNPS Grade 3/4 Potato Olympics 

Yesterday the 3/4 students participated in the first ever Grade 3/4 Potato Olympics. It was a fun day that incorporated reading, writing, art and maths skills and encouraged students to work as a team and be persistent when competing in the events. 


Students spent the morning creating their athletes and creating a persona for their athlete. Each athlete was also sorted into a nation to compete for - Kham Town, Cottonville, Diamond Harbour, McKenna Vale and Jones Valley. 


After recess, students competed in 5 different events - shot put, discus, weight lifting, a relay and gymnastics to score points to go to their nation. 


Everyone had a fantastic day, learning some new skills and being athletes for the day!