Grade 2 Area

Miss Kate Lyon, Mrs Angela Gioia and Mrs Amanda Johnson and Ms Kaila Gugliemino

Mindfulness Jars

Mindfulness Jars can be used as aquiet visual experience whenever you need a calming moment. You can focus on the glitter as it settles down, and allow that calming feeling to flow through your body as well. Watch as the glitter swirls and then settles. 


How to Make a Mindfulness Jar




Glitter or glitter glue

Clear craft glue

Tape or hot glue gun to seal lid



  1. Fill your jar 2 thirds of the way with water.
  2. Choose what colour glitter you would like to use. Pour about 1 tablespoon of glitter into the jar with the water.
  3. Top up the jar with the clear glue.
  4. Use a strong waterproof tape (eg: duct tape) to secure the lid.