Grade 1 Area

Mrs Amy Gagliardi, Ms Emily Giliam and Ms Elizabeth Higham and Mrs Sarah Castellas

As well as the writing that we do every day, Grade 1 students participate in targetted handwriting lessons each week, where we focus on using correct pencil grip, sitting with good posture, and forming our letters correctly. This week, 1A's handwriting session included some fun activities to build our hand strength for writing - using only our writing hand to scrunch up a piece of paper and then flatten it out again, and making letters and shapes from playdough. These kinds of activities, along with scissor work, are things that students can do at home to continue building their hand strength for writing.

Over the past two weeks, Grade 1 students have been learning about the various ways that we measure and describe time - years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds. We have made estimations about how many times we can do a certain activity in a specified amount of time and then tested our predictions; explored the ways that calendars show days, weeks, months and important events; and have created personal timelines of the activities we do across a day and across a week. In 1A,  especially enjoyed seeing how many times we could do things such as count as high as we can, write our name as many times as we can, and do as many star jumps as we can in 10 secs or 1 minute.