Prep Area

Miss Sam Micallef and Mrs Josie Stocchero

📚 Reading 📚

The Preps have been introduced to the 5 finger retell strategy. We have been learning to retell a story using the 5 important elements which are, setting, characters, problem, events and solution. 

✏️ Writing ✏️

In Writing, we have been publishing our own books! Preps are beginning to see themselves as authors and that the writing they create can be read by others. The books that we have read has been added to our classroom library. 


We have used the picture story books from the Pig the Pug, Macca the Alpaca, The Very Cranky Bear, Edward the Emu series to write about the texts. 


We have been blown away by the writing that has been produced over the last 4 weeks. It has been amazing to see students applying their sound knowledge and trying their best. 



🟢 Maths 🟢

In Maths, the Preps have being exploring the concepts of position and location. They have developed the vocabulary to describe an items position and the different words that they can use. They have learnt that some language can be very similar and have the same meaning. 


We used teddy counters to describe location, played slides and ladders to put positional words into a sentence and creating our own books using positional language. 


In Maths be have also been exploring number. We have been working at finding the numbers that come before and after, ordering consecutive and non-consecutive numbers and understanding the concept of more/less/the same.