A note from Mr Jackson


While we recognise that illness has struck down many students, staff and even parents this term, we continue to encourage students to attend when healthy. The disruption to learning that are unavoidable due to illness are compounded by unapproved absences of students. 


I continue to encourage families to plan holidays during the break periods to ensure students maximise their attendance. There is no set point at which absence becomes a concern; however, the following categories can help to identify patterns of absence: 

  • Regular attendees: miss less than 10 days a year (less than 5% absence)
  • Risk of chronic absence: miss between 10 and 19 days a year (5-10% absence)
  • Chronically absent: miss 20+ days (10%+ absence; average 1 day per fortnight) 

As we step towards finalising reports for this semester I encourage all families to ensure that the attendance data on Compass accurately reflects the attendance of their child. 




Zoo Visit a Real Thrill (Monday 27 May)

Making authentic connections to new learning and the world around us promotes engagement. There were lots of wide eyes that were amazed at the animals and habitats as students ventured through Melbourne Zoo on Monday morning. Thanks to staff and volunteers for making the most of the day!


Photo Day Today

There were lots of shiny shoes today and pressed uniforms. Thanks to all who supported the transition of students throughout the day and ensured the day flowed smoothly. For those who were absent, although you may have missed being a part of the class photo, we hold a second photo opportunity later in the year when individual photos are taken and can be purchased.  MSP also hold a makeup session over the holidays that you may wish to attend.


Asbestos Removal Update (Saturday 1 June)

A reminder to our community that asbestos is scheduled to be removed on Saturday 1 June from a Telstra communication pit on the Northern boundary. Contractors, along with an occupational hygienist will be onsite to conduct the works and monitor the actions. Access to the site during these works will be limited during this time and until clearance is provided. Please do not hesitate to speak with me if you have any further questions.


Recycling Reminder

A number of large orange bags are available from the office for those who are gathering cans and bottles to support our sustainability garden. All cash goes to improvements in the garden and every dollar counts. Parents/carers can return the bags full to the office or take the bottles and cans to be recycled and bring a contribution to the office.


Produce Sale Friday Afternoons

On Friday afternoons there is lots of activity in the Sustainability Garden. All are invited to drop in to wish the chickens well or do some garden maintenance. Fresh herbs and produce is for sale after the assembly. For those that do not carry cash you are able to make a payment on your Qkr! App. Again, every cent goes back into the garden! 


Canteen Open and Sushi Day Rescheduling

It has been great to have our canteen open over the last few days. A reminder that Sushi day that was organised for Tuesday 21 May has been rescheduled to Tuesday 4 June. We apologise for the change that was unavoidable.