Principal's Report
There is nothing more important than the health of our children. As parents and carers, we are very vigilant on ensuring that our children’s physical health is taken care of and any problems are quickly addressed. While it is relatively easy to notice, diagnose and treat problems with physical health, it is more challenging when dealing with emotional and mental health.
The pass times and interests of children today are very different with the internet and online access being so predominant, however regardless of the era our society has been constantly preparing children to be kind and friendly to each other but also building their own resilience and capacity to deal with moments that may make them sad. Unfortunately, it will continue to be a battle to completely stop meanness, unkindness and even worse bullying. The increased role that the online world now has, also opens up more opportunities for negative experiences.
What can also be challenging for parents and carers is the frustration of not having the expertise to help our children navigate the many platforms their lives include. A wonderful resource for parents is the app, Beacon. Developed in partnership with the Dolly’s Dream initiative, this app is a first stop for parents wanting to empower themselves to help their children’s navigation in the online world.
Once downloaded, families can access tailored resources, such as articles, videos and alerts, addressing various challenges like excessive screen time, gaming, and cyber-bullying. These resources are regularly updated to align with evolving societal and online trends in Australia.
I encourage all parents and carers to access the app, if not to proactively use in building your knowledge and strategies, but to at least have on hand for a time of need.