News from Year Four and Five

Welcome back to Term 4 in the 4/5 Classroom
Our class has settled back to the final term of 4/ 5 really well. As you all know we have a new teacher on Wednesdays and Thursdays Mrs Meg Urquart. She is looking forward to working with our class and has met the children last term when she was teaching in grade 3/ 4 and in grade 6. We have a very FUN and busy term coming up with our school production, swimming, and Colour Run.
Swimming in Week 3
An email was sent out to all families this week with details about swimming. The grade 4/ 5 groups will be attending swimming from Monday to Thursday over Weeks 3 and 4.
Each day, students will come to school with their bathers already under their uniform. The girls are requested to wear one piece or two pieces that are not bikini-type bathers. Please remember to label all items of clothing and check your Operoo for further details. Thank you!
Inquiry finish off
To conclude our Frame by Frame and Bizarre Bazaar topics from last term, we will be showcasing our animations from 2:10-3:00 in the afternoons this week. All the students will be showing the class their finished products and are very proud of their work. The grade 5's have made short videos of the products they made in the 5/ 6 inquiry sessions and these were shown to other classes in assembly last term.
Our 4/5 week should look something like this for the first few weeks of Term 4.
Monday- (Ms. Durrant) – Reading logs given out, Performing Arts (Ms. Bourke)
Tuesday- (Ms. Durrant) – Japanese with (Mrs Bowden).
Wednesday- (Mrs. Urquart) – Library borrowing.
Thursday- (Ms. Urquart) – STEAM (Mrs. Hermansen) and lunch orders are due today.
Friday – (Ms. Durrant) Reader logs are to be brought back to school today, SPORT with (Mr. Folley), lunch order day!
This timetable may be subject to change due to important practices for our school production and swimming in Weeks 3 and 4. If any changes do occur, we will endeavor to let you all know via email.
Mathematic angle robots
This week in maths we have been learning about angles. We have learned the names of different angles and have been practicing measuring angles using protractors. Here are some of the children's angle robots. They were asked to make a robot with all the different angles they learned and to label them with O-obtuse, A -Acute, and R for right angles.
Inquiry topic
Once the production and swimming are finished we will be starting our new inquiry unit which will be a Social Justice unit. The grade 4's will be exploring children with disabilities and the grade 5 children will be exploring organisations that assist disadvantaged children around the world. Both topics involve the students doing a research project and the grade 4's will be writing a story to conclude their unit. The grade 5's will be writing a Slam poetry piece and be required to read this out to an audience as the final presentation to end the unit.
To explore this further in English the students will be studying the book "Wonder" by R.J Palacio in detail this term. We will be exploring the themes of what it is like to be different, being positive in the face of adversity, and how we can show empathy to others. This book is a wonderful addition to the inquiry unit and ties in nicely with the theme of putting yourself in "Someone else Shoes" (which is our inquiry unit name). We have already started reading this book and have watched some of the movie that is based on the book. The children seem excited and engaged with the story so far. If you have this book at home I encourage the children to bring it into class. I will be providing a set of books in class for our reading groups to read and will be getting some more from the library.
We are looking forward to a wonderful end to the school year. Thank you again for all your support of your child and myself this year so far. A huge thank you to all of your parents for keeping the communication lines open and for letting me know of important information in regards to your child's well-being. Our door is always open.
You can contact us at the school on 5967 1183 or on our emails
(Paula Durrant)
and (Megan Urquhart)
Kind regards,
Paula Durrant and Megan Urquhart