News from Foundation

Welcome back to Term 4!!! What a fast year we have had! The Foundations have loved being back at school and settled back quickly!
This week has been filled with practising our songs and dances for production, writing about our holidays, practising our counting and number recognition and much more.
On This Monday 9th October we will be hosting an assembly with the F/1/2s from 2:15 pm. We hope to see you all there!
The next few weeks in Maths we are focussing on our counting and number recognition! We have been playing lots of games to recognise the numbers 0-20! We enjoyed playing the 'I have, who has?', a quick number recognition game. Our record time doing it was in 1 minute and 10 secs. We have also been matching numbers and quantities using different materials. There are a few pictures below.
Last term for our Inquiry unit we made and designed puppets based on a fairy tale story. On Wednesday we would look to invite prep parents to come and watch our puppets plays at 2:20 pm in the Foundation classroom. Here is a sneak peek of our puppet plays.
In a few weeks, we will be starting a new Inquiry unit called ‘Celebrating Differences’. We recently found out that ECCOS will be having a special music and cultural day called Rhythms of the World. Unfortunately, this day is on a Saturday however if you would like to take your child to this event it would be a great learning opportunity to celebrate differences. More information can be found at
Getting ready for this topic could you please chat to your child about what countries your family members come from? Your child will be given a worksheet on this in their reading folder next week. This doesn’t need to be done straight away, we have at least 4 weeks to complete this project but because of the production, we wanted to give you lots of notice.
An email was sent out to all families this week with details about swimming. The Foundation/Year 1 and 2 groups will be attending swimming at 1:30-2:15 p.m. from Monday to Thursday over Weeks 3 and 4. Because we are the last swimming session, parents will be allowed to pick up their children from the Yarra Centre pool. If you want to take your child home early, please see your child's class teacher on arrival at the pool to sign them out. If you are taking another child home early then a permission note from the child's parent must be emailed to the class teacher. Thank you for understanding.
Before swimming starts it would be great for you at home to start to practice giving your child independence getting unchanged/changed and knowing where and how to pack their swimming bag. This could be, making sure they put their socks in their shoes, bathers inside a towel/plastic bag, etc. It is really important to start practising this as there isn't much turnaround time before or after the swimming lesson to get to and from school. Each day, students will come to school with their bathers already under their uniform. Please remember to label all items of clothing and check your Operoo for further details.