Religious Education & Pastoral Care
Mrs Bearman
Assistant Principal & Religious Education Coordinator
Religious Education & Pastoral Care
Mrs Bearman
Assistant Principal & Religious Education Coordinator
Loving Lord,
God we thank you for giving us a mind
with which to think, enquire and learn.
Teach us to apply our minds to gain
understanding and to explore the wonderful world
and universe which you have given us.
Teach us the secret of true wisdom
in knowing and deserving you,
through Christ our Lord. Amen
Last Thursday and Friday I attended the BBI Religious Education Symposium "Rethinking" RE: Context Diversity and Pedagogy. I participated in two days of reflection, interactive workshops and the opportunity for informal networking around the importance of Religious Education in Context.
The month of October is dedicated to honouring the Holy Mother, Mary, in thanksgiving for her protection that she gives the Church in answer to the praying of the rosary. Students and staff will be learning and praying the Rosary.
This year’s Catholic Mission theme is 'Kick Goals For Good in 2023'. Catholic Mission is asking that we join others throughout Australia to learn more about issues of mission and justice and to reach out to the children in Timor-Leste in an effort to support a brighter future. To support Catholic Mission Month our school will be having a “Crazy Socktober Day” will be on Friday the 3rd November where the students will be allowed to wear colourful and outrageous socks to school for the day. The students are asked to bring a gold coin donation to school on this day to help raise funds and awareness of how all children have the right to a brighter future. More information about Catholic Mission can be found at
Diocesan Administrator Monsignor Ted Wilkes has advised that all students in Armidale Diocesan Catholic schools have a lesson with a specific focus on “Family” during Marriage and Family Week. This year the dates for Marriage and Family week will take place in the Armidale Diocese 15th – 20th October 2023.
First Reconciliation information night - 24th October @ 5:30pm
First Reconciliation - Year 2 - 28th November @ 5:30pm
****Please put these dates in your calendars****