What's happening?

Colour Explosion Fun Run

Thank you to everyone for their involvement and enthusiasm in supporting our Colour Explosion Fun Run. It was a great success, not only from a fundraising perspective, but for our entire school community. The support shown by those who came along to watch and participate in the event was fantastic and we all had a fabulous afternoon.

We set ourselves a goal of $10,000 and our final total raised was $11,680! An enormous achievement for a school of our size! When all donations came to a close, our highest raising class was V6 and the student with the most donations was William T. Congratulations to you all.

Prizes have now been dispatched and we are hoping they will be available to students at the beginning of next term.

Dates to Remember

Below are some of the important dates coming up. Please also refer to our Term Calendar for more.

Week 1
Monday 16/10Term 4 begins
Week 2 
Wednesday 25/10V12 Excursion
 V5, V6 & V7 Incursion
Friday 27/10Sports Day
Week 3 
Wednesday 1/11Year 6 Aboriginal Students Excursion
Friday 3/11Assembly
Week 4 
Tuesday 7/11Governing Council Meeting
Thursday 9/11Concert