From the Leadership Team

How quickly the year has gone.....
It's hard to believe that we have now reached the end of term 3 and that there are only 9 weeks left of schooling for 2023. Our students and teachers have worked extremely hard during the past 3 terms and we are very proud of the progress that we have seen. This term NAPLAN results were distributed to families of students in years 3 & 5 and all students in years 3-6 have recently undertaken the PAT Reading, Spelling and Maths tests. These tests are held each year in all DfE schools and give us information at a moment in time about individual students' abilities and areas to focus on. We look forward to accessing this data and will spend time analysing this and other data during our Pupil Free Day in term 4.
Enrolments 2024
We are heading to the stage of the year where we are starting to look at our enrolments for 2024 and work on our class configurations. If you know of any new families to our community who would be looking at enrolling with us in 2024, please encourage them to make contact ASAP. School tours are available and we welcome their attendance at these.
If your family is moving on and won't be attending Para Vista PS in 2024, we would also like to hear from you ASAP so we can consider this in our student numbers. You don't need to notify us if your child is in year 6 and heading to high school.
Student Voice
Each year, the Commissioner for Children and Young People asks for feedback from children in the form of a postcard. This year, two of our classes spent some time thinking about the questions on the postcards and providing feedback which helps inform the Commissioner about the thoughts of young people and their hopes for the future. They answered the questions with great insight and I look forward to seeing the report provided once all feedback is considered by the Commissioner.
Enjoy your holiday break with your family.