RU OK Day 2023

Thursday 14 September 2023

RUOK DAY 2023, Thursday 14 September


I’m here to really hear you/a conversation can change a life


We celebrate this national day of action every year, to highlight how we can help a friend or mate who may be experiencing some challenges.  Simple questions and suggestions can make a big difference to helping someone know that you care and there is support available, when you see the signs that someone you care about may be struggling with life, start a meaningful conversation.


70% of young people do not ask for help when experiencing a difficult time, and 69% of young people are more likely to ask a close friend for help regarding mental health issues, highlighting the importance of teaching young people how to ask a friend how they are doing (taken from Connecting Young Australians, Research by YouthInsight for RUOK?2022).


The 4 steps are simple:

  1. Ask, are you okay?
  2. Listen, be open minded
  3. Encourage action, help your friend talk with adults, doctor, or services
  4. Check in, see how they are doing with this

As a school community, on Thursday September 14, we will have some fun activities during lunch with Kingston Youth Services, and some treats for our amazing teachers.  Mentor this week will include an RUOK presentation and discussion.