From the Principal
Dear Parents and Carers,
As the community of St Simon’s we have so much to be proud of with our students celebrating many milestones within our learning community.
2023 St Simon’s Art Show
Congratulations to our students for their participation and effort in the St Simon’s Art Show. On Wednesday evening, we witnessed over 1000 visitors through the school site to launch our biannual art show event. The pride, enthusiasm and sheer joy students showed as they proudly took their families and loved ones around the exhibits was delightful. We have been overwhelmed with positive feedback from families about how impressed and appreciative they were of the Art Show experience for their children.
I want to thank Visual Art Teacher Ivana Dabb for her drive and vision for the art show and Laura Nackashian and the specialists' teacher team for their support and work behind the scenes. Thank you to our teachers, learning support staff and school leaders for all their efforts in getting ready for this celebration of learning through the Arts.
A reminder the Art show will be open on Sunday, 22nd Octover from 10 am to 1pm allowing parishioners attending either of the Sunday masses to have a look at the amazing work of the students. All families are welcome to attend if you missed out during the week or if you would like a second chance to see the art show.
A reminder about the Crazy Carmel product opportunity where you can have your child’s artwork printed or attached to an item like a calendar, notebook, teatowel or apron.
Please be sure to look out for the promotional materials shared with your child this week through the office tub session for more information.
Stringybark Festival
On Sunday, 15th October, the St Simon’s Choir, led by music teacher Lauren Nackashian, performed at the 2023 Stringybark Festival hosted by Knox Council. Our students did a magnificent job showcasing their talents to the local Rowville Community. It was lovely to see so many St Simon’s families present at the festival and staff supporting our students. Thank you, Laura, for supporting and preparing the students for the performance.
Sacrament of Holy Communion
After almost 2 months of weekend celebrations of the Eucharist, many of our Year Four students have received Holy Communion for the first time. Congratulations to the students and their families, as this marks a significant step in their faith journey within our Church. Thank you to the parents, Year Four teachers and school leaders for working together to prepare and support the children at this time. Thank you to our parish priest Fr Jerald Mariadas, assistant priest Fr Samuel Pearson and Religious Education Leader, Hedy Carvalho, for their essential roles in preparing the students.
St Simon’s Feast Day - Friday 27th October
The feast day of St Simon and St Jude is 28th October, so as a school community, we gather and celebrate this on Friday, 27th of October. School families and loved ones are welcome to join students and staff for a morning mass on Friday at 9:15am.
Following Mass, the students will participate in a music\concert experience with Genevieve Bryant and have fun learning new circus skills and tricks. The wonderful parents’ association will supply a zooper dooper on the day as a celebratory treat for the students.
We look forward to sharing all the fun with photos and videos in the coming weeks.
World Teachers Day - Friday 27th October
Let's remember as a school community to thank our outstanding teachers and staff at St Simon's as we celebrate World Teachers’ Day. Our staff will have a yummy lunch during the day’s celebrations.
2024 Class Requests
We will commence working on class lists later in the term so any families who have specific requests for student placement for 2024 classes must either email me ( or make an appointment to discuss the specific learning or well-being needs of their children by FRIDAY 20th OCTOBER 5pm. Please, this is not an opportunity to request to be in the same class as a friend nor an opportunity for “teacher shopping”.
Enrolment for 2024 - FINAL CALL
School organisational planning for 2024 is well underway, assuming all students enrolled in form Prep to Year 5 will return in the 2024 school year. If not, I ask that you contact the school office immediately and notify your intentions. This information assists the school leadership immensely with the planning and resourcing for the 2024 school year.