Kharisma Kids - OSHC 

Fun and learning in LS1 and the great outdoors.


Dear Parents and Guardians,

We're excited to share the latest happenings at our centre:

Beyblade Battles in the Stadium: Our playground has turned into a Beyblade battleground! Children are having a blast spinning their Beyblades, honing their strategic skills, and fostering friendly competition.

Expressing Creativity on Dry Erase Boards: Our little artists have been exploring their creative sides on dry erase boards. From colourful masterpieces to imaginative stories, their creativity knows no bounds!

Feathered Friends' Regular Visits: The Sulphur Crested Cockatoos continue to grace us with their presence. These beautiful birds provide an enchanting learning opportunity as we observe and appreciate the wonders of nature.

Fraction Fun with Kinder Circles: Our dedicated educators have been assisting Nuri with exciting fraction examples made from Kinder Circles. Learning math through hands-on activities has never been more engaging.

Children Extending a Helping Hand: During a recent gathering, our observant children noticed that one of our beloved residents was not feeling well. Jasmine and Simran, who are fluent in multiple languages, quickly stepped in to assist.

Jasmine and Simran: Interpreting Heroes: These young stars acted as interpreters, bridging the communication gap between our residents and our team. Their compassion and empathy were truly remarkable.

A Boost of Kindness: Recognizing the situation, we immediately provided our unwell resident with some orange juice to stabilize her sugar levels. It's moments like these that showcase the incredible sense of community at our centre.

We couldn't be prouder of our caring and thoughtful children who demonstrate the values of compassion and support.

Thank you for being a part of our wonderful community!

Warm regards, 

The Kharisma Kids team