Sienna's Insights

Art & Technology

This week, I had the privilege of visiting Mrs Steen’s Year 8 Cooking class. This class is currently learning about vegetables, and their focus this week is to make dishes that teaches students how to incorporate different vegetables into dishes. 


This session, they were cooking a delicious Vegetable Stir-Fry and I got to speak with their teacher and ask her a few questions about the class.


Without using the word 'cooking, In 5 words or less how would you describe this subject?

Tasty, Fast-paced, Fun, Inspiring, Rewarding


What’s the one thing you want all students to take out of this subject?

I want all my students to complete their Food Studies subject feeling more Confident! I want students to develop confidence in their kitchen skills and to challenge themselves in trying new cuisines. When they develop their skills they feel more confident using their initiative in the kitchen. 


What’s your favourite thing about this subject

My favourite thing about this subject is interacting with students in the exciting environment of the food studies kitchens! It's amazing to see the development of both culinary and intrapersonal skills as the subject progresses across the term or the semester.


Additionally, I got to talk to some wonderful students about their experience in the class.


What’s the most valuable thing you’ve learnt so far?

Gabi: Time management. I have really picked up how to be efficient and organised in the kitchen. 

Chelsea: How to be healthier, making food that I can enjoy that’s actually really good for me! Learning these quick recipes has made me feel so much better. 


What do you enjoy about this subject?

Gabi: The creativity, we have guidelines but we can edit the food to cater it to who’s eating it.

Chelsea: Getting to try new food and taste different cultures and cuisines. Also hanging out with friends. 


How does this subject encourage you to create outside of school?

Gabi: Opens you up to different kinds of food, as were learning heaps different vegetables, and expanding my confidence to cook these foods outside of class. 

Chelsea: Knowing these recipes at school, inspires me and makes me feel more comfortable to cook and bake in my own kitchen. 


The aroma’s coming from this classroom smelled so yummy, and it was so exciting to get a peek into the cooking rooms! Fantastic work Year 8s!!


Sienna Reese

Arts & Technology Captain


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