Office News

Medical Plans and Contact Details on PAM
Please ensure that all student's current Medical Plans (Asthma, Analyphaxis etc..) are uploaded onto PAM.
Any updates to your contact details (including emergency contacts) please email
Planning for 2024
Are you leaving St Agatha's Primary School at the end of 2023?
If your children (Foundation to Year Five), will not be returning to St Agatha's next year, please advise the school office as soon as possible. This will help us with planning, as we have waiting lists for some Year Levels.
We are pleased to announce the roll out of Lunch Orders via CDFpay. This will help reduce the amount of cash being sent to the Canteen. We ask all families to follow the instructions on the attached CDFpay flyer (see link below) to set up their children's account.
Please note that all orders for Canteen must be submitted online by 9.15am each Wednesday and Friday mornings.
Any questions please contact the Office.
We are still looking for volunteers to help in Canteen on Wednesdays and Fridays. If you have a Current Working with Children Check, have attended one induction session or prepared to take a session please email