School News

Year 2 sleepover forms/payments are due by Friday 27th October.
Sleepover is Thursday 9th November.
Koori Club
Students in the Koori Club have worked hard to adapt an Acknowledgement of Country for Wyndham Vale Primary. After drafting many versions, we have now come up with this version:
We acknowledge the Waddawurrung elders, past, present and emerging and we thank them for the land we learn on, the water we drink, the air we breathe and the life we live. Waddawurrung Country.
You will soon hear our new version at school events.
Winston's Day
What our Wonderful Foundation Students have been doing.
This week in Foundation, we have been focusing on writing persuasive texts. Persuasive texts are when we give our opinion on a topic and some reasons why we think that and we try and convince others to think the same.
We have been writing about topics such as: Cats are better than dogs, Vegetables are better than McDonalds and the beach is better than the playground. We have been working hard to slide through all of our sounds and use our magic words to make our sentences make sense. We have also started to do some editing to fix our mistakes after we have finished writing.
Lion's Club Peace Poster
Congratulations to all the Auslan students who participated in the Lion’s Club Peace poster competition. Sixteen grade 6 students were selected to represent Wyndham Vale Primary school for the Wyndham area and two grade 2 students, and two grade 4 students were selected as winners for the school-based competition. These students worked diligently to display excellent creative talent to depict how they perceive peace in their everyday lives. Well done to Ava Kallitsis from grade 6, who was chosen as a representative for the wider district competition. Ava and her family attended the Lion’s club presentation where she accepted her award. Good luck to Ava with further judging!
Erica Vandy, Auslan Teacher and JSC facilitator
Our Class Care Bear - 4E
Road Safety:
Wyndham Council have contacted us to inform us they will be patrolling our school area due to the large number of complaints they have received regarding dangerous driving, parking across drive ways and on the nature strips as well as the school crossings not being used.
We are asking that you are vigilant at all times and role model for our students the following:
Cross at the school crossings
Do not park on the nature strip
Do not park across our neighbors driveways and block them
Do not double park to drop children off/pick them up
Do not speed, be aware of your speed and the speed limit during school hours
Pedestrians are to give way to vehicles at round abouts.
It is in everyone's best interest to keep the students safe and be respectful to those around you and be a good role model for the students.
The school gates open at 8.20am not earlier, please do not drop your child/ren at the front office any earlier. Please remember to pick your child/ren up on time, school finishes at 2.55pm. If you cannot be at the school by 2.55pm please make alternative arrangements as our office staff have commitments within the school and cannot look after your child/ren.
Big Childcare offer a before and after school program and be contacted on
0403 280 852 or
All late comers need to go straight to Ms. Dalton to be signed in.
Please remember to label you child's uniform with their name. We have many items of clothing in lost property that we cannot return because there is no name on the items.