Principal's Update

Term 4 update
What a busy start to Term 4 we have had!
Kilometre Club has been a huge hit! The majority of our students are coming out onto the oval each lunchtime to run a few laps of our 500m course. Lots of 5km and 10 km certificates have already been handed out and even a few 20km!
Mr Elliott and the grade 5/6s are tracking our progress - and we are heading to Sydney and beyond in our collective kilometres!
Grade 3- 6 camp at Gundiwindi in Wandin was amazing! Parents, you should all be very proud of your children. Our students all behaved beautifully, they challenged themselves to try new things and stepped out of their comfort zone - especially on the giant swing!
One of the things I was most impressed with was the kindness our students showed to each other - if someone was homesick they helped them, if someone was unsure they gave them confidence to try something new. In the Initiative activities they worked together so well to achieve the given task.
Our Maths Talent Quest results were amazing! Read more about this in the newsletter.
It was a busy week - on Curriculum Day all our staff completed their First Aid and CPR training which was a great way to end the week.
For those heading away for a long weekend - enjoy the break and stay safe.
Be kind to yourselves and take care
Meredith Thornton