Faith Education

Mr Ru Lameijn

Term 4 Religious Education and Inquiry

This Term, with the focus on the concept of 'connections', each year level will explore the Catholic Social Teaching principle of 'Dignity for the Human Person'.


The current global situation is one that can be describes as dire. Whilst not necesarily discussing the specific situations in the world with our students, we do look closely at what it means to be a spirit-filled person. 


The students are encouraged to explore the statement:“The dignity of the human person is rooted in their creation in the image and likeness of God.” 

Dignity of  Human Person

The dignity of every person, independent of ethnicity, creed, gender, sexuality, age or ability, is the foundation of Catholic Social Teaching. No human being should have their dignity or freedom compromised. Poverty, hunger, oppression and injustice make it impossible to live a life commensurate with this dignity.


Our hope: that by the end of this Term our students a more familiar with:

  • The significance that we are all made in the image and likeness of God and the social implications of this; and questioned what happens when others are not treated fairly, in light of this knowledge
  • The idea of God-given dignity or worth, and the implications of this; explored how a home provides a sense of dignity; and investigated responses to situations where people’s dignity is not upheld
  • The Biblical principle that dignity is God given, and the connection between dignity and rights, as well as discussing how people can uphold the dignity of others

Kind regards, 


Mr Ru