Koorie Club News

Indigenous News & Updates
Some sports highlights have come up in Australia recently. First, a big congratulations to Bobby Hill for winning the Norm Smith medal in the recent AFL grand finale. Also, a special mention to Uncle Colin Hunter Junior for a fantastic Welcome to Country ceremony!
Also, on the 26th & 27th of September VASCAL (Victorian Aboriginal Community Services Association Ltd) ran a junior Netball and Football Carnival, congratulations to all players present as you did a wonderful job!!
In recent news, the Wilya Janta (Standing strong) Housing Collaboration has announced a new initiative of building culturally appropriate homes for Indigenous Australians in the Northern Territory so they can withstand increasing temperatures due to climate change.
Dr Simon Quilt a doctor in the Northern Territory for twenty years stated to Sky News Australia that “Aboriginal people have no resources and are incredibly poor” so this is great news for their mob.
Schoolwide updates:
Our Koorie Club is currently working on a few initiatives within the school to build cultural awareness and increase understanding of our students and school community. We are currently looking at displaying the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags in the school in various classrooms. St Helena has also received their Torres Strait Islander flag and now all the flags are on display outside the general office!
Didge ya know?
Weaving is an important practice for our people and is usually done by the women of our community. Mob had a good understanding of which plants were best for weaving and how to prepare them so they were flexible and would not break. Mob would collect the grasses and fibres, dry them out, and then spend many hours waving together various items from mats to baskets. We take great pride in the items that we create and sometimes we decorate our weavings with colour from natural dyes found in things such as ochre, berries, roots, and nuts.
From: https://www.vacca.org/
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Koorie Club Leaders.
Rachel Aden (Koorie Club Leader) – ADE0010@sthelena.vic.edu.au
Jamie Humphries (Koorie Club Leader) – HUM0004@sthelena.vic.edu.au