Captains' Report

Hey everyone. Despite the fact your children may have a couple months left, us Year 12s finish school next week (the 18th of October). So, we wanted to use this last newsletter segment to give a massive thank you to those that read this each week and email us with their questions and concerns that we have loved help answer.
This year our team achieved more than we could have ever possibly dreamt of. From working with the Good Friday Appeal, Fiji Book Drive, Ronald McDonald House Charity and many more, we want to say a huge thank you for continuing to support us and our big ideas.
This year has been a challenge to say the least. Juggling our classes, extra curricular and captaincy, it’s been a handful. But this opportunity is one to never turn down. The past week we got to sit on the panel for the 2024 College Captains, which was such an exciting opportunity. We hope the 2024 Captains continue this newsletter segment as we believe it benefits our parents and students if we share upcoming events across multiple different platforms.
This won’t be the last time you see us, as we hang around for the awards ceremony, and unfortunately have our exams. But this will sadly be our last newsletter. However, please still keep in touch with us!
Once again, we wish everyone the best for their futures and thank you for your help this year.
Matilda, Maia, Liam and Eden.
Matilda Walpole –
Maia Zouzounis –
Liam Young –
Eden Beveridge-Wood –