Principal's Report

Senka King 

Welcome back to Term 4

I hope that you have enjoyed some quality time with your children. I was pleased to see their smiling faces back on Tuesday and it was lovely to hear that they were happy to be back at school too. This is the longest term we have ever had in a year with 4 terms, so we will need to sustain our energy and finish on a high. We have a lot planned for the last term with many excursions and special events such as the Year 6 Graduation. 


Swimming Program

Considering feedback from students, families and teachers this year the swimming program will be for Year 2 to Year 5 students. This will ensure that Year 6 students do not miss out on days due to orientation day and other end of year commitments and allows for more of the students in the other year levels to attend. Information will be provided shortly.



This term, we welcome Mrs Antonopoulos, our new acting Assistant Principal, who is replacing Mrs. Uzunovski, who is on family leave. She will oversee the Foundation, Year 1 and 2 grades, as well as coordinating Assessment and Reporting and whole school curriculum. We are very excited to have her here and I know that she is quickly getting to know our school.



Speaking of Mrs Uzunovski, I am very happy to share that she welcomed the arrival of little Thomas two weeks ago. Mum and baby are doing well, and we look forward to a visit from them in the near future.


Student toilets 

Please note: parents/adults are not permitted to enter or use the student toilets at the school.


School Council 

Reminder: We have two vacancies on School Council for our next two meetings. Our meetings are held on Tuesday from 6-7pm on 24th October and 5th December. This is a good opportunity for someone who is curious to see what it is like to serve on council. Please contact me at the office to let me know that you are interested. 


Farewell Ms. Vassallo

It is always bittersweet when one of our staff gets a promotion somewhere else. We are very proud of their achievement but always sad to see them go. Miss. Vassallo started a new role this term at another school, but we are very grateful for her leadership of the Maths curriculum. Her passion for Mathematics was infectious and both students and teachers were inspired and supported by her. We wish her all the best.



It is fantastic to see our students enjoying the many resources in our library. Particular books are highly sought after so much so that students are taking them home but not returning them. Could parents please have a look at home and help identify the library books that children should return as soon as possible so other students can also enjoy them. 


Secondary School Students

Whilst we enjoy seeing past students at our school, all visitors need to report to the office and only enter the school with permission and supervision of leadership. Permission will not be granted to visit classrooms during teaching time. If a secondary school student is here to pick up a younger brother or sister, they need to wait outside of the classroom no earlier than 3:10. 


Foundation (Prep) 2024

Please note that we will be starting our transition program for new prep/foundation students for 2024 next week. We have contacted families letting them know what time to attend. It is very important for children to attend these sessions to get to know each other and the school. Please note that we also ask parents/guardians/carers to stay for this first session so we can share information with you. Looking forward to this exciting session on Wednesday.


Kind regards,


Senka King
