Primary Specialists

Visual Arts
Welcome back to school and Term 4, our last term for this 2023 school year. The term has started off very well with all students refreshed from their holidays and ready to get back into creating some fantastic pieces of artwork.
Lions Club International Peace Poster Competition winner
A big congratulations to Lavishka Kumar in 6A who entered the international peace poster competition held by the Werribee Lions Club. Lavishka competed against schools in the Wyndham district and was selected by the Werribee Lions club as the winner for her artwork entry. She will be attending the Lions Club for a dinner, award and prize ceremony to congratulate her on her excellent piece of artwork and contribution in spreading the word of PEACE to everyone.
Students in Prep have been exploring nature, recycling and art play. They have been involved in observing all the beautiful gifts nature has to offer and creating natural collages made out of recycled materials, leaves, sticks, flowers, seeds and bark. This is part of of of unit on sharing the planet, reducing, reusing and recycling materials to create new artworks.
Year 1
Students in year 1 have been inquiring into Cubism and Picasso's 'Blue guitar'. They have developed their drawing skills as they recreated abstract guitar and used cubism techniques to show an abstracted guitar. Students have then decided to use wither warm colours or cool colours with various shades and tones to apply colour to their pieces of of work.
Year 2 and 3
Students in Years 2 and 3 have been reflecting on their holidays, remembering events that occured and applying it into fact and fiction representations . They then created two depictions of their events that actually occurred and one depiction of a fiction event. Students then enjoyed participating in a class discussion where they showed and discussed their images, whilst their peers took turns guessing which image was fact or fiction.
Year 4
Students in Year Four have been learning about the importance of saving water and how our actions can make a difference to the planet. Students investigated how pollution and littering can cause negative consequences for the environment and the animals that inhabit the waterways. They started taking action by creating posters to spread awareness so that people can can understand what they need to do to make a difference to our planet.
Year 5
Students in Year 5 are in their final stages of completing their graffiti projects. Many students have completed their tags and used colour gradation techniques to blend colours together for their word. Others have continued and began completing the graffiti wall where they will cut and paste their tag on to. Students have learned about tessellation as they have created their wall patterns and have used soft pastel and greylead to create a 3 dimensional shading effects for the bricks of their wall.
Year 6
Students in year Six have been completing their Pop art self portraits. They have used their skills learned during portrait drawing to create their self portrait highlighlighting the art concepts of symmetry, proportion and balance. Students have chosen to create realistic or anime inspired self portraits which they decorated using pop art benday dotting techniques.
Physical Education
A big welcome back to all students from the term 3 holidays.
We have a huge term of sports throughout the rest of the year. Our junior school students will be participating in the mini olympics out on Brookdale reserve. During our lessons we will be practicing all events in preparation for the day. There will be a number of senior students representing Saltwater at the regional Athletics competition to be held at Keilor. We would like to wish all students participating the very best. In week 7, 8 and 9 Baseball Victoria in conjunction with the school will be running baseball clinics. This is to increase participation rates in baseball for the opening of a potential new baseball club here in Saltwater on the new oval.
Lastly we will also be participating in a fitness unit throughout the term to compare our results that we achieved at the start of the year.
A reminder to all students to be wearing hats in term 4 as our p.e lessons will be held outside.
Media Art with Mr Howarth
In Media, students are taking skills learned in prior lessons and applying them to new tasks. In particular, we have been focusing on:
Preps: Using media to explore strategies for managing our emotions when they feel overwhelming.
Year One: Using media technology to record a class choral reading of a text.
Year Two: Using our shot types to take photos of objects for the purpose of advertising.
Year Three: Exploring how our different shot types can be used to convey messages to an audience.
Year Four: Combining film, sound, and editing to produce a cohesive story.
Year Five: Using our knowledge of camera movements and thematic elements to plan a shot list for a short film.
Year Six: Exploring representation in media and the cross-cultural connections we all share.
Attached below is a recording from 1E of their reading of “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt”. Students worked collaboratively to record their reading in unison. They listened to one another to remain in sync while following along with the text. Students also analysed the various onomatopoeia words to determine what sound effects they should make for various obstacles.
¡Bienvenidos al Término 4! Exploring the Spanish-speaking World
Dear Students and Families,
We hope this newsletter finds you well and excited for what promises to be an amazing Term 4 at Saltwater P-9 College. As we step into this new chapter of our learning journey, we are thrilled to welcome you to a world of exciting discoveries and adventures. Get ready to embark on a voyage to explore the rich and diverse cultures of the Spanish-speaking world!
Emotions and Expressions:
In Term 4, we'll dive deep into understanding the intricacies of human emotions. We'll explore how different cultures express and interpret emotions, and how these expressions can vary across the Spanish-speaking world. Get ready to expand your emotional vocabulary en español!
Parts of the Body:
¿Listos para aprender sobre el cuerpo humano? We will be delving into the fascinating world of anatomy, exploring the different parts of the body in Spanish. From cabeza (head) to pie (foot), you'll soon be able to describe yourself and others with precision.
Weather and Seasons:
El tiempo y las estaciones del año play a significant role in Spanish-speaking countries. We'll be discussing weather patterns, climates, and the unique beauty of each season across the Spanish-speaking world. Get ready to talk about sol (sun), lluvia (rain), and nieve (snow)!
Transports and Travel:
Ever wondered how people get around in Spanish-speaking countries? In this term, we'll explore the various modes of transportation used, from autobuses (buses) to aviones (airplanes). You'll gain valuable vocabulary and cultural insights into the art of travel.
Countries that Speak Spanish:
Did you know that Spanish is the official language in 21 countries? We'll be taking a virtual tour of some of these incredible nations, learning about their geography, history, and culture. Get ready to expand your horizons beyond the classroom!
Cultural Traditions and Celebrations:
One of the most exciting parts of this term will be immersing ourselves in the vibrant cultural traditions and celebrations of the Spanish-speaking world. From Dia de los Muertos in Mexico to La Feria de Abril in Spain, we'll learn about the significance of these festivities and even partake in some of the customs ourselves.
Get ready for an unforgettable journey through the Spanish-speaking world in Term 4. We are excited to explore these topics together, broaden our horizons, and foster a deeper appreciation for the cultures that make up the global Hispanic community.
¡Hasta pronto! (See you soon!)
Señor Pasten
MUSIC with Mr Saxton
In Music, students in all years are adding to their musical knowledge and vocabularies. In Lower Primary we are exploring Beat and Rhythm using simple songs like Bingo and Tingalayo with untuned percussion instruments eg Claves, Guiro's, Triangles, Hand Drums.
In Upper Primary we continue to explore the Elements of Music (Beat, Rhythm, Pitch, Tone, Texture, Duration, Form, Dynamics, Melody). Students in Grade's 5 and 6 are currently working on Multi-Instrument performances of Sansa Kroma (Ghana) and Funga Alafia (Western African Countries)
Term 4 has started off well in dance with so much to look forward to as we finish off the year. Dance extension and VSSS students have returned eagerly and commenced rehearsals for the upcoming events over the next few weeks. Both groups are currently working on separate routines to be performed at the Principals conference on the 9th and 10th November. This will be such an important moment and honour for all performing at the event, which will be attended by all Principals from around Victoria.
The dance extension and VSSS groups will also be performing at the first ever Saltwater School Carnival a week later on Saturday 18th November. All students have been working so well together to finish and perfect the routines to showcase!
Year 6 Graduation preparations have begun in the dance studio also! Students have volunteered to perform at this special event, showcasing their dancing skills and talent for all their family, friends and community to see. The common theme we have running through all routines is self empowerment, ability, ownership and accomplishment. Through this we are also displaying courage, commitment and being risk takers to achieve it! This journey has already seen so much confidence rise throughout the groups, and we can't wait to see how far they can all go! Year 6 Graduation will again prove to be another amazing night ahead for all involved.
Christmas Carol rehearsals have begun also, with classes making their way to the dance studio to work on their chosen Christmas songs. The energy and vibe in the studio from all students and classes has been positively infectious, and it's always a great time of year to work with everyone! Christmas spirit is coming alive quick and well as we all get creative with our routines, the students are sounding and looking amazing! I'm looking forward to working with the rest of the school over the next few weeks! :)