Wellbeing Report

Breakfast Club

Welcome back to Term 4

Just a friendly reminder that Saltwater College Breakfast Club operates five days a week in the Wellbeing Hub from 8.00am-8.30am for primary students and 8.30am-9.00am for secondary students. The program is operated by wellbeing staff and is aimed to at families who may have limited access to food and/or just need that bit of extra support with breakfast.  


The breakfast club has many benefits for our students, including improving nutrition, mental health and wellbeing, readiness to learn and overall concentration. Our breakfast club enables us to teach children about the benefits of eating breakfast in order to start their day on the right foot!Research shows that children who skip breakfast will suffer short term hunger during morning sessions. This leads to impaired memory, attention span and information processing.


So if you are going without breakfast, or if you’re doing it a little bit tough one week, pop down and join us!


Warm regards,

The Wellbeing Team