Year Six

Dear Year Six families,
It's been a busy start to Term Four in Year Six. With students settling into post-exhibition life very well! We have gotten straight into reading and math groups, begun a new writing genre in procedural writing and started our brand new Unit of Inquiry.
We want to remind students to continue to display all attributes of the learner profile, as we have plenty of fun events coming up, and we don't want any students to miss out.
In Reading groups, we have been looking at a variety of author studies, text innovations and reading discussion groups. These have been a fantastic way for students to get connected to new books they read. We want all our students to be reading every single day and encourage students to borrow books from our classroom libraries.
In Writing, we have been investigating Procedural Texts and using strong descriptive words to engage the reader. Students will be using their knowledge of family recipes to create a procedural text to collate as a book.
In Maths groups, students have been hard at work, looking into angles. We have been using the protractors, and been finding the missing angle in obtuse, acute and right angle triangles. Over the next few weeks we will be doing our post test for angles, and we look forward to seeing all our students making tremendous growth when they sit their post- test.
We have also been doing some amazing open-ended problems including some angled based questions about architecture.
Finally we have started our new Unit of Inquiry, under the central idea, 'Understanding states of matter can allow scientific application'.' This unit will give students a chance to complete many experiments. We started by creating Oobleck with students, which was a fun messy experience for all! These science experiments have also given students a chance to write up procedural texts.
Moving forward we will continue to investigate the sciences, for our Unit of Inquiry.
We are looking forward to an exciting few weeks ahead.
- Volleyball Primary Schools Cup: 25th October
- School Carnival: 18th November
- Year Six Graduation: 6th December
- Year Six Luna Park Excursion: 11th December.