Year Five

Dear Year Five Families,
Welcome back to school for the final term of Year Five! Students have settled into the term well with the exciting task of designing their Year Six polo shirts for next year and actively participating in the very first Year Five Battle of the Classes competition. This friendly competition is a way to build excitement in Year Five by earning points in class for students displaying our learner profile attributes and respectful fun competitions weekly.
In Reading, students have continued with investigating various figurative language, with week one's focus on onomatopoeia. They have used their knowledge and understanding of onomatopoeia to create a comic strip, making their writing and narrative more exciting. Students independently read their books, identifying the different figurative language they have learnt and understanding how a story is engaging using onomatopoeia, similes and metaphors.
In Writing, students continued their learning on Explanation Texts. They have been exposed to the structure of explanation writing and the planning process. Students begun planning their writing with the options for various prompts such as how cheese is made and how chocolate is made from a cocoa bean. They have identify the purpose of explanation texts as the how and why of thing happen.
Throughout Mathematics, students have revised their knowledge on fractions and decimals. They focused on the conversion and relationship between fractions and decimals, understanding that tenths are the first place value on the right hand side of the decimal point. They have completed their post assessment and prepare for their next unit in mathematics being chance.
In Inquiry, students are continuing to understand that human-made systems are an important component in living an efficient lifestyle. Students have been given the choice in choosing a human-made system, researching it and begin drafting a poster to represent their system. They are using their understanding and knowledge about systems by identifying their relationships, elements and purpose.
Term Four Reminders:
As we are in the final term of the year, there are many things to remember.
- Hats - As per the department policy, hats must be worn in term four. If students do not have a hat, they must go to the shaded eating area during recess and lunch. It is important that students have the Saltwater hat, as it is likely that PE class may be held outside. All caps are not allowed for primary students.
- MacBooks - MacBooks are required at school everyday fully charged as per the Digital Use Agreement from the beginning of the year.
- Christmas Carols - In term four, we have Christmas Carols. 5A, 5C and 5E will be performing 12 Days of Christmas by Pentatonix and 5B and 5D will be performing Deck the Halls by Love to Sing. More information about Christmas Carols will be available at a later date. If you do not want your child/ren to take part, please email their classroom teacher.
- Early Holidays - We understand that some families will be going away early for Christmas holidays. If you have a planned holiday, please let your child/ren's classroom teacher aware as well as the office
- End of Year Celebration - Adventure Park, Monday 4th December
Kind regards,
Year Five Teachers