Year Four

Dear Year Four families,
A very warm welcome back to Term Four! How quickly the year has gone. It has been fantastic to see students grow and learn over the year. This is going to be a memorable term as we have plenty of exciting opportunities happening.
We continue to explore the unit of inquiry with the central idea, 'Exploration leads to discoveries, possibilities and new understandings.’ Students understand that exploration from the past connects to exploration in the future. They have read about two Australian explorers named Burke and Wills, who explored the unknown part of Australia and the challenges they faced during their expedition.
We have had a busy start to the term with students learning how language choices are used in texts so that they can transfer their knowledge from reading to writing. During the activities students were exposed to tiered vocabulary with the understanding that tier one vocabulary was used for everyday writing, tier two vocabulary are high-frequency words that students encounter across the content areas and topics and tier three vocabulary are low frequency words that are content specific.
At the beginning of the term students have been exposed to fractions, decimals and percentages. They were able to understand the place value system of decimal numbers which helped them make the connection that each digit in a decimal number has a value. Students were exposed to mathematical vocabulary like tenths, hundredths, and thousandths to make connections to the conceptual understanding of fractions. Students used a number line to understand the values across decimals and percentages while ordering them from lowest to highest.
Three- way conferences
It was delightful to celebrate all the amazing learning students have been doing throughout the semester with families. We hope that everyone continues to celebrate these achievement by continuously visiting schoolbox and viewing students' learning.
The Year Four Camp is fast approaching. Approval and payment is DUE on Monday 16th of October. This is all to be completed on XUNO. No late payment will be accepted. If your child will not be attending camp we kindly ask that you decline the event on XUNO to assist us in our planning.
Group 1 - 30/10/23 - 1/11/23
4A, 4B, 4C, 4E, 4G
Group 2 - 1/11/23 - 3/11/23
4D, 4F, 4H, 4I
A medical and dietary requirement form has been sent home and is due to be returned to school by Friday 13th of October. A packing list and other information was also attached.