Year Two

Welcome back to Term Four in Year Two, which is set to be an exciting term!
The Year Two's began the term by arriving at school in their comfy attire! Jumping out of bed with their soft toy, they forgot their uniform (on purpose) and came to school
in their PJs.
The teachers were also dressed in their pyjamas and cuddled their favourite soft toy, as they came to school for the first day. What a wonderful start to the term!
The first two weeks of Term Four have flown by, packed with a variety of fun-filled activities across every subject area including;
In Reading students have been exploring and revising their comprehension strategies, such as; visualising, predicting and identifying the key features of narrative texts. This has been to support students' understanding of narrative texts in their future writing lessons and to help consolidate the knowledge they have been learning over this year.
Students have been taking a deeper look into narrative features such as; introduction, setting, problem and solution. Character traits have become a key focus with us looking deeper into inside and outside traits which help the audience of these texts to understand the characters' motivation behind their emotions.
In Writing this term, students have started exploring narratives and how they can develop their story-writing techniques to better target their audience and writing skills.
Students have been exposed to the planning process behind a story to better develop their overall story presentation allowing them to consider details such as the genre, setting, and characters, along with planned problems and how multiple solutions could be used rather than just one clear solution.
Character development has been a main focus over this last week having students consider how a character is driven through considering not only a character's outside traits but also what's the driving force behind that character by considering their inside traits. This is also extended into having students display a student's feelings through dialogue and conversations in their texts.
In Maths students have been focusing on multiplication and division strategies using manipulatives, repeated addition, skip counting and arrays, to name a few.
We have focused on core mathematical vocabulary and cultivating problem-solving skills by engaging with open-ended questions that connect to real-world scenarios, thus fostering our abilities to think like mathematicians.
Furthermore, you may hear your child discuss the incorporation of NAPLAN-related questions and prompts across all subject areas during this term. This initiative aims to assist them in preparing for the upcoming NAPLAN assessment, which occurs at the beginning of next year. The goal is to familiarise students with the question types they may encounter and enhance their proficiency in time management when responding to these questions.
In Inquiry, students have been learning about the different types of transport; land, water and air
Students have begun researching their favourite types of transport and are currently planning for and designing their chosen transport through the use of recycled materials.
- Hats will need to be worn this term during all outdoor activities including sports.
- Late arrivals (8:30 am onwards) require a late pass from the office.
- Absences- If your child is away, please remember to upload your reasons on XUNO; and please reach out to the office or your classroom teacher if you need support doing this.