Around The College / Excursions

Term 3 CARES Week
After months of hard work and team building, it's a great pleasure for us to finally announce that, CARES week was a great success!
Our overall aim of this week was to create a sense of comradery and foster a caring nature on an inter-cohort level, and with the laughter and joy that surrounded the week, it can't be denied that it proved to be a wonderful experience for everyone involved.
It's been so fulfilling and truly humbling to see everyone get involved - and particularly lovely to see everyone band together to stand against cancer and support those affected by either shaving their head or joining in on the fun on Friday for our World's Greatest Shave.
Thank you, as always, to our incredible team of student leaders for their endless diligence, our Director of Student Leadership, Ms Saathoff, for her tireless support and, of course, our wonderful school community - thank you for showing us that our care is reciprocated.
Owini, Jacinta, Natasha and Spencer.
College Captains
Year 9 Fieldwork Tourism Sorrento
This week Year 9 humanities students visited Sorrento to examine its tourist potential as part of our tourism unit. Brentwood students chartered a boat, to look at a tourism operation firsthand.
Students could also walk the main strip of Sorrento to explore the local businesses and conducted a field sketch on the Sorrento foreshore to apply their geographical skills.