YEAR 6 PODCAST Term 1 Week 3


With the roll out of new Mathematics syllabus across NSW, St Nicholas 3-6 classes have begun engaging with the MaST project, a Mathematics improvement strategy implemented by the Armidale Catholic Schools Office. Our Infants classes at St Nicholas began this journey last year and our primary students and staff have begun with great enthusiasm.


Year 6 began the term investigating 3D objects, needing to visualise, sketch and construct a range of 3D objects including prisms and pyramids. The MaST project and the NSW curriculum stress the importance of the Concrete - Pictorial - Abstract model, which encourages students of all ages to be allowed to experience a hands on approach to mathematics. 


 Research has shown that 

1) Student motivation has increased during learning with the CPA approach, 

2) The performance of problem-solving in students subjected to learning with the CPA approach is better than the performance of problem-solving in students subjected to learning with conventional approaches, and 

3) Students' problem-solving performance improves after being subjected to learning by the CPA approach.


Hilarity ensued in Year 6 when students were required to construct chairs using their knowledge of 3D objects and 2D shapes that would be able to support the weight of a Year 6 student!  


For more about the CPA approach be sure to attend on of the Mathematics sessions with Mr Unwin following the open classrooms later this term.