Junior School

Upcoming Activities
Tuesday 13 February
Photo Catch-Up Day
Wednesday 14 February
Cupid Delivery Service, periods 1 & 2
Thursday 15 February
A Midsummer Night's Dream Auditions, 3.30pm in C3
Monday 19 February
General school tour, 9.15am from W-Block
Tuesday 20 February
Year 7 Social BBQ, 5:30pm
Wednesday 21 February
A Midsummer Night's Dream Auditions, 3.30pm in C3
Thursday 22 February
Year 8 Sport
Wednesday 28 February - Friday 1 March
Year 7 Camp Weekaway
Thursday 7 March
General school tour, 9.15am from W-Block
Friday 8 March
Year 7 Cricket
Monday 11 March
Labour Day - public holiday
Tuesday 12 March
Year 7 Soundworks Turbo Day
Division Swimming trials
March 13 March
Year 7 Stringworks Turbo Day
Wednesday 13 - Monday 25 March
NAPLAN testing window
Tuesday 19 March
Enrichment Maths Competitions
Wednesday 20 March
Year 7 Sport
DSC Open Night, 5pm - 7pm
Thursday 21 March
Junior School Harmony Day
Tuesday 26 March
Student-Led Conferences - no classes scheduled
Regional Swimming trials
Wednesday 27 March
General school tour, 9.15am from W-Block
Thursday 28 March
Last day of Term 1
Managing Me
A reminder that Year 7 & Year 8 students have been asked to have reflective conversation with their parents/carers about what they have learned in Managing Me and Emotional Regulation. The Managing Me teachers will be checking in with your child's progress on this task next week.
Student Leadership Opportunities
- Run a student-led lunchtime activity in Week 8: assemble a team of 5-6 students and run lunch time activities outside W-Block. Chat to Mr Dennis if you're interested.
- Run a Year-level Assembly in Week 9: work in a team of 4-5 students and create a dynamic end of term assembly. Chat to Mr Dennis if you are interested
- Junior School Improvement Team (SIT): Ms McGee sent a Compass newsfeed about this opportunity which you can sign up for HERE.
- Student Wellbeing Committee: If you are interested in influencing and developing Student Wellbeing programs at DSC then please sign up/ give your expression of interest here!
- Student Representative Council: Looking to exercise your student voice and make meaningful change at DSC? We strongly encourage you to apply to the SRC here.
- Interact Club (Early-act in Primary schools): Manningham United Rotary Interact clubs provide a mentor to help develop student leadership skills as they carry out community projects. If you are interested in participating in this program then contact Ms Katie Mills (Year 7 Coordinator) or Ms Lattanzio (Year 10 Positive Climate Leader) via TEAMS.
NAPLAN for Years 7 & 9 will take place in the David Perry hall on the following dates in March:
- Wednesday 13th (Reading)
- Thursday 14th (Writing)
- Friday 15th (Conventions of Language - WIRED EAR/HEADPHONES REQUIRED)
- Monday 18th (Numeracy)
Students are to bring a pencil case but NOT a calculator. During these dates, students can bring their laptop chargers to use in the examination hall if required.
Students are required to download the program below in order to do the test.
Uniform Reminder
Wearing the correct uniform demonstrates that a student is ready to learn. Page 5 and 6 of the Student Planner outlines our summer uniform requirements and expectations. If students are out of uniform then they must present note from home to the Junior School reception before class at 9am in order to obtain a Uniform Pass.
Instrumental Music
If you haven't tried all the music instruments that you would like to, there is still time! Complete the survey in the link below and we will ensure you get to try those instruments as soon as possible.
Nick Dean
Instrumental Music Coordinator