Library News

Welcome to the first Library News for 2024. I hope you’ve all had a relaxing holiday and are looking forward to the year ahead. A special welcome to new families at Holy Trinity School; I look forward to meeting you and your child over the coming years.


The library is a special place at Holy Trinity as each week, we share great stories with our students and encourage what will hopefully be a lifelong love of reading. Primary classes come for one 50-minute library lesson each week, where we focus on literature appreciation (reading great books), information literacy (how to find and use information) and children have the opportunity to borrow books to read for pleasure at home.


While secondary students no longer have a library lesson each week, they’re welcome to borrow during break times and often come over during English lessons. Last week, all Secondary students borrowed an English text and also a chapter book for quiet reading. The Secondary also has a DEAR (drop everything and read) lesson on Thursday mornings, and students are encouraged to borrow a book for this.

General Information

Teacher Librarian: Mrs. Toni Fraser 



Library Assistant:  Mrs. Sharon Hollis


Class Library Days:

Monday - KD, KS, 6T

Tuesday - 1E, 2M, 3W, 6M

Wednesday - 5F, 2G, 1M,3M

Thursday - 6D, 5B, 4WL

Friday - 4LD

Library Bags

Each child needs to bring a library bag for their library lesson with their name clearly marked on it. It’s important that all students (K-6) have a library bag as they protect books in their school bag from being damaged and any accidental spills. The uniform shop sells a Holy Trinity Library bag, or you’re welcome to bring one from home. We love to see homemade bags, pillowcases, or even a plastic bag; anything that protects the books is great! 

Borrowing Limits

Kindergarten - two books per week, return after one week (this will increase to three books in Term 2)

Year 1 & 2 - three books, return after one week

Year 3-6 - up to five books, return after two weeks.


If you have any specific requests regarding your child’s reading, please leave a message with their classroom teacher or email me at

Scholastic Book Club

Once a term, the school participates in Scholastic Book Club, where families can purchase books at great prices, and the library receives credit to purchase new books. THERE IS NO OBLIGATION TO BUY so please don’t feel that we expect families to place an order.  If you wish to order though, we encourage families to use Scholastic’s cashless ordering system (called LOOP), and further information about this will be included before the first catalogue goes home later in the term. 

Help! We’ve lost or damaged a book

Firstly, if this happens, don’t worry! As a mum of four children, I understand that accidents and damage occur but we do appreciate you letting us know so we can take the book off your child’s name. Please send me a message via the front office, a note with your child, or an email to

Library Break Times

Do you know how I can tell if it’s hot or cold outside? The first clue is to look at the number of students who come into the library at break time, and since school has started, there's been a lot! It’s also been wonderful to see how many new students have come in to enjoy the space too. Students from Years 3-6 and 7-10, visit to relax, play games, and read during their break. I just love seeing so many happy faces.


These are just some of the kids who have come into the library over the last week. Welcome to the new Year 3 students too, it’s great to see you!

Meet the Reader

Meet Dustin, the very first borrower for 2024. Dustin came in with all of Year 9 to borrow their first English text, ‘The Happiest Refugee’ by Anh Do.

Happy reading,

Mrs. Toni Fraser