Mrs Mary-Jane Guest
Mrs Mary-Jane Guest
Welcome to the 2024 school year. I hope everyone had a restful break and had the opportunity to spend time with family and friends over the holidays.
We begin our new school year with the commissioning of our elected student leaders for 2024. The Induction Mass will be held in the Holy Trinity School Hall beginning at 9:15am.
Family and friends are welcome to attend the Mass as we celebrate those who have been chosen as our school leaders for 2024.
6:00pm Saturday evenings
9:00am Sunday mornings
Friday 9 February
- Induction Mass 9:15am HTS Hall
Wednesday 14 February
- Ash Wednesday Liturgy 9:15am HTS
Friday 16 February
- 5F Mass 9:15am SHC
Friday 23 February
- 2M Liturgy 9:15am SHC
Friday 1 March
- Year 7 Mass 9:15am SHC
Friday 8 March
- 4LD Mass 9:15am SHC
Friday 15 March
- 6T Mass 9:15am SHC
Friday 22 March
- Year 10 Mass 9:15am SHC
Have a great week, God Bless
Mary-Jane Guest
Religious Education Coordinator