Mrs Jillian Rainger

Welcome to Week 2!

It was great last week to welcome our staff and students back for the new school year. There was a lovely buzz amongst both groups. We are looking forward to another great year at HTS. This week, we see our student leaders inducted into their roles at Mass in the school hall on Friday.  An invitation for their parents to join us has been sent home. Our leaders are:

Primary SRC

Fletcher Andrews (Captain)

Angus Hamilton

Hugh Hamilton

Jack Sweeney

Pippa Butcher

Sophie Foley (Captain)

Emma McLennan

Eva Xavier

Primary House Captains

Johns Billy Pagden, Lacey Taylor

Leos Rory Orchard, Ruby Selig

Marks  George Xavier, Georgie Moore

Pauls Digby Roger, Sophia Clarke

Secondary SRC

Griffin Sanderson

George Taylor

Tom Taylor

Colby Walker

Hannah Bourke

Jessica Hill

Eliza McNamara

Elkie Sargeant

Secondary House Captains

Johns Sam Tindall, Lidiya Varghese

Leos Matty Mowle, Georgia Wilson

Marks  April Neppl, Macie Masterson

Pauls Miles Doman, Kobie Cox

Junior Conference of Saint Vincent de Paul

Rhiannah Toledo

Mollie McCudden

Maryann Otieno

Best wishes to...

...Our Kindergarten students who have their first day at school on Wednesday!


...Our primary students who were selected in the Polding Summer Trials:

Tommy Ditchfield will be going for tennis, and Millie Maddigan, Millie Dyer-Cleal, Addison Emerson-Sipple and Digby Roger will be trialling for basketball. 


...Our Ag team who are heading to the Glen Innes Show this weekend. 

Safe on Social for Families

We were lucky to snare a booking with the presenter, Kirra Pendergast, the founder of Safe on Social. Safe on Social is an internationally renowned organisation that helps students, staff, families, community groups and governments stay safe when using social media. She is coming to Holy Trinity this Thursday and Friday! There will be sessions for students in Years 1-10. She is also presenting to staff after school. More importantly, she is delivering a family presentation on Thursday evening at 7 pm in our AV room. It is aimed at all families as, at some stage, all our children will be using social media if they are not already. Please come along and support this event. We are really lucky to have her travel to Inverell - she presents all over the world. If you need to bring your children, we will have a movie playing in a classroom next to the AV room. 

Staff for 2024

We welcome our new staff:

Mrs Erin Muggleton (Year 1)

Mrs Katrina Morris (Primary)

Mr Jack Jeffery (Secondary)

Miss Kristina Majetic (Secondary)

Mr Wayne Squire (Ag plot and grounds)

Thank you from St Vincent de Paul

I received this email from Tony Dale of Inverell SVDP after our Thanksgiving Mass. I wanted to share it with you as collectively your generosity was overwhelming for those less fortunate. Thank you for your support and encouraging your children to think of others.

Sincere thanks for your school community’s support for our Xmas appeal. Another brilliant effort. Today & tomorrow we’re distributing the donated items in a Xmas hamper valued at $70 each; that’s $3500 in total. Their response today was so wonderful and their gratitude sincere. All Trinity funds this year will be directed towards the purchase of warm bedding for next year. 

Parking around the school

As mentioned in last week's note attached is the guidelines for parking around the school. Please be vigilant as the highway patrol attends Moore St regularly and people have been fined.



A lot is coming up, and we are finalising our Term 1 calendar this week. It will be sent home in Week 3. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me via Cathy in the Front Office to make an appointment or email me at

Attached is our 2024 Family Handbook, which has lots of information regarding our school, including a full staff list. Hard copies are available from the Front Office.

Have a good week - hope to see you on Thursday night!
