College Events & News

Upcoming Events

P&F Meeting Dates 2024

Time: 6pm – 7pm 

Location: St Gertrude’s Music Centre – Loreto College Monday 12 February Monday 18 March Monday 13 May Monday 17 June Monday 12 August Monday 9 September Monday 14 October Monday 11 November


Save the Date:

Ladies Lunch

Sunday 24th March


Loreto Gala Dinner

Saturday 24th May

Second-Hand Uniform Shop - Update

The second-hand uniform shop will no longer be active on site from 2024 with the service moving to an online exchange. Please hold onto any uniform items you wish to sell and we will be in touch with details of the new process. The College will not be accepting old stock while we transition to the new arrangements.

Uniform Shop - Summer Opening Hours

Loreto College Uniform Shop Opening Hours during Term:


Monday – Tuesday: 8.00 - 12.00 pm

Thursday: 1.00 - 5.00 pm

Friday: 8.00 - 12.00 pm


You are welcome to purchase from the online uniform shop at your convenience and your order will be filled when the store is next open.


For more information and to book an appointment, visit our website: 


We regret to inform our Loreto College Marryatville community of the passing of past staff member, Ms Alicen Miller, a much loved music and mathematics teacher for over 30 years at the College. Alicen began teaching at Loreto in January 2004 and retired from the College in 2017 due to a terminal illness diagnosis. Since her time at Loreto, Alicen began travelling the world and creating incredible experiences. Alicen passed away on January 5.


It is also with regret, that we inform our community of the sad news that Dr Sylvia Walton AO, passed away on Saturday 27 January. Dr Walton was Executive Principal at Loreto College Marryatville from April 2015 to June 2016 and up until 2023 was a board member of Loreto College Mandeville Hall Toorak. From her time at Loreto College Marryatville, Dr Walton will be most remembered for her strong leadership, vision and compassion for the College and its community, the results of which we see today.

Loreto Federation - Save the Date

St Ignatius Parish Babies and Toddlers Group

The parish is running a group for babies, toddlers and parents/carers on Friday mornings during the school term. For more information, click on the PDF below.

Key Dates Week 3 & 4 Term 1

Tuesday 12 February

Year 11 and 12 Glen Gerreyn Speaker

Parents & Friends Committee Meeting, 6pm


Wednesday 14 February

Ash Wednesday Liturgy


Thursday 15 February

College Opening & Principal Commissioning Mass


Friday 16 February

College Tour


Saturday 17 February

Round 1 Sport

Third Premiership Regatta Rowing


Thursday 22 February

Round 1 Water Polo

Years 2-3 Swimming Trials


Saturday 24 February

Rowing SA Championships

Round 2 Sport

ELC Open Morning