Foundation Unit

Hello Everyone and Welcome to the 2024 School Year!
We’re off to a flying start in Foundation, with students beginning to learn about all the routines involved in the school day. There has been a lot of information, but the students have coped well so far and have enjoyed things like receiving their very own book boxes and finding their bag hooks where they place their school bag at the start of the day!
Students have enjoyed participating in PE, Music, Art and French and learning their specialist teachers' names.
This fortnight students have been learning new letters and the sounds they make. Students have been practising writing these letters on whiteboards.
We have also been exploring numbers and different ways to represent them in Maths.
Last week students also had the opportunity to meet the Year 6 buddies. The students had a fantastic time and can’t wait to see them again.
We can’t wait to continue on this exciting school journey with you all and look forward to a fantastic Term 1 together!
Foundation Teachers
Libby Cannon (PLC), Courtney Lawrence (PCL)/Juliet Smith, Bree Smith (PBS)