Year 1/2 Unit

What a great start we have had to 2024 in the Year 1/2 classes. All the students have settled in well and were very excited to see their friends and move to their new classrooms.
The teachers loved hearing about the students' holiday adventures and their goals for 2024.
The students have completed a variety of ‘Getting to Know You’ activities in order to introduce themselves to their new classmates and their new teachers. There were some very creative ideas and artwork displayed during these activities.
Grades have also been working through the school’s ‘Welcome Back Pack’. They have been completing activities based around Woodend Primary School's values and behaviour expectations. Some of these activities explored the variety of ways students like to learn and what learning tools they think work best for them. We have also explored ways to stay safe at school in and outside of the classroom.
These booklets will soon be coming home so parents can see completed examples of work related to these discussions.
Over the next few weeks we hope to settle in to our classroom routines and will soon be sending home take home readers and Magic Words for practise at home.
We also look forward to meeting parents during our upcoming ‘Meet and Greet’ Parent Teacher interviews. Keep an eye on Compass notifications for information related to this.
Year 1/2 Teachers
Debbie Thompsopn (12T)/Greer Arnold, Lyndsay Adamson (12A),
Zoe Sutherland (12S)/Juliet Smith, Emma Beaumont (12B)/Greer Arnold,
Katherine Richardson (12R)